Schadenfreude II: The Schadenfreuduning
- This website makes me feel much better about the current market woes hammering my pitiful RRSP. (Via the bird-shirted one himself)
- Continuing in a similar vein, on a scale from one to awesome, how much fun is it to read really nutty right wing US political websites these days?
(Let alone the mere thought that in any given election year – Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Buckley, and Christopher Dodd would all make major waves with their public political endorsements… for the same candidate) - General pacing should dictate some kind of third topic somehow related to taking joy in the misfortune of others… but I can’t really think of anything appropriate… so in lieu of pretty much any link from the FARK frontpage – here’s that great video of the bear wandering into the subway, just in case you missed it: