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Now THAT is how you re-launch a franchise.
Nov 27
Now THAT is how you re-launch a franchise.
Jul 18
As Toronto’s garbage strike enters it’s 27th day, might I suggest we look to the 1970s for bold leadership on how to dispose of refuse?
(H/T to Roderto for the e-mail)
Time for a break from all this serious internet business. One of my real-life superpowers (I have many) is the inability to forget absolutely trivial minutia I’ve been exposed to – but frequently forget how I was exposed to it. This will serve me well should they ever finally produce “the most random gameshow in the world”.
Here are five facts I’ve trotted out this month that, while true, I have absolutely no idea how I came to be aware of them. I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader trying to figure out how each of these could have possibly come up in conversation in the past month. For bonus points deduce which one played a pivotal part at a Toronto International Film Festival lunch a few weeks back.
There is absolutely no moral to this post. I just needed to recalibrate this blogs silliness quotient before it became “all net neutrality, all the time”.
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